The Herefords Australia Board recognises that one of the most important challenges that faces the Hereford breed in Australia is the successful implementation and utilization of genetic and genomic technologies. It also believes that fundamental to the success of the breed is the engagement of commercial Hereford breeders and providing tools and knowledge that can assist them to improve their commercial performance and competiveness with other breeds in Australia. The Board also recognises that to deliver on its strategic initiatives it is important to ensure there is a solid administrative foundation.
As a result the Board is delighted that Dr Alex Ball, the previous CEO, has agreed to continue on in a high level management position as Manager of Research and Technical Implementation. Dr Ball brings a proven track record in key areas such as genetics, eating quality and commercial engagement. He is highly regarded by the Hereford breed and his role will be to ensure that Herefords Australia creates the opportunity for Hereford breeders to be at the forefront of many of the exciting developments that are happening within the Australian beef industry. The board believes that this role provides the environment for Dr Ball to continue to challenge the breed to move forward.
The Board is similarly delighted to announce that Mr Andrew Donoghue, previously the Breed Development Manager, has been appointed General Manager. His role will be to focus on providing high quality services to all classes of members and to this end the Board will ensure that Mr Donoghue has the support and facilities to build a staff that is highly equipped to ensure that elements such as the constitutional review, member services and finances are managed to an exemplary standard. Mr Donoghue is likewise highly regarded within the Hereford breed and throughout the beef industry. The Board has every confidence that Mr Donoghue will ensure delivery of the change process, services to members and a renewed confidence in the Hereford Breed.
Bill Kee
Herefords Australia Limited
28 June 2017
Andrew Donoghue – General Manager
Alex Ball – Manager of Research and Technical Implementation