Nine-year-old Dustin Paton has a dream to become a farmer and is well on the way to starting his own Hereford stud with his foundation heifer arriving this year.
The Herefords Australia Youth pee wee member is a Year 3 student at St Michaels Catholic School, Tallangatta, and this year kick started his own yet-to-be-named stud with the purchase of a Hereford heifer from the nearby Sugarloaf Creek stud.
Dustin lives on a beef and dairy farm at Tallangatta, in northeast Victoria, with his parents Andrew and Jacqui, and his two siblings, Hayley and Bob.
Hayley, 7, also attended her first Herefords Australia National Youth Expo this year, winning first in the heifer class and third in paraders using a ballot heifer from John and Renae Keith, Allenae stud, Roslyn, NSW.
The Paton family runs a commercial Hereford herd of 230 breeders, finishing progeny for grass fed programs and export markets, alongside a dairy herd of 250 cows on the fertile flats of the Mitta and Tallangatta valleys.
Mr and Mrs Paton took their children along to the 2022 National Youth Expo at Wodonga when Dustin was six years old.
“I’ve always loved cows and wanted to pursue that love for Dustin – he talks about being a farmer in the future. He just loves his cows,” Jacqui said.
With just a little help from mum and dad, Dustin started his own stud this year with the purchase of a $4000 heifer, Sugarloaf Lady Like U131 from Andy and Serena Klippel, Sugarloaf Creek Herefords, Corryong, at their annual sale.
Dustin enjoyed making new friends and learning new skills at the 2024 Herefords Australia Youth National, particularly the pee wee paraders class. He was matched with senior buddy Tabitha Manson and placed fourth in the herdsman class.
“The kids are networking for the future, and it is fantastic for their growth, independence, self-confidence, and self-empowerment. They are learning cattle handling, public speaking, and how to express themselves and the new friends they make is probably the biggest thing,” Mrs Paton said.
“They come home excited for the next one. Dustin got to lead his own heifer at the National and also showed her at the Tallangatta show.”
Mrs Paton said the Sugarloaf heifer would be artificially inseminated with assistance from Brandon and Brittany Sykes, Mawarra B Herefords, Howlong, NSW.
“We are going through the process of choosing a sire with help from Brandon and Brittany,” she said.
“The plan is to start with one heifer and slowly build a herd and by the time Dustin is a teenager he will have himself a nice little stud. Hayley is also planning to have her own stud.
“They look to brother and sister Hereford breeders Mitch and Emily Taylor as inspiration. I spoke to Mrs Taylo at the National and those two started out the same way – it is nice to see them in competition and the respect and support they have for each other.
“My background is hobby farming and the only contact I had with cattle was at school through Mitchell Secondary College, Wodonga, which showed Murray Grey cattle in their ag program.
“I see children being involved with cows as a good thing, teaching them responsibility and they are having good, clean fun outdoors.
“There are plenty of mentors at the National Youth Expo to teach the kids all the skills and it was so well organised.”
Andrew Paton said the family previously supplied surplus heifers for the live export markets to China but this year they were sold through the Dubbo store market.
In the past steers were finished on high performance ryegrass pastures to feeder weights of 450-500kg liveweight to Greenhams Never Ever grass-fed program however this year they were sold through March and October store sales at Wodonga. In 2022 a large draft of 18-month-old steers weighing 460kg topped the Wodonga market for the year at $2660 or 578c/kg.
Genetics used over the years include Dunoon, Bowmont, Wyeebo, Sugarloaf, Newcomen, Glendan Park and Glenellerslie, and Alegria genetics.
Mr Paton is impressed with the breed’s docility and performance. In 2024 he was presented with a certificate for 25 years of commercial membership of Herefords Australia Limited.
“The youth expo is great for allowing the kids to hear other ideas apart from those at home and building confidence. I used to lead dairy cattle when I was younger, and I give Dustin a few tips, but it is good to have someone else imparting the advice,” he said.
Dustin and Hayley are now looking forward to showing their heifer at the 2025 Tallangatta Show.