Agents yarded 1,308 Hereford and Hereford/Shorthorn cattle at the Omeo Mountain Calf Sale, continuing the strong momentum from earlier sales at Ensay, Hinnomunjie, and Benambra. The sale featured 907 steers, which averaged $1,348 and reached a top price of $1,980, while 407 heifers averaged $1,054, with a peak of $1,450.
The sale opened with a pen of nine Hereford steers, 540 kilograms and 18-20 months old, consigned by T.A. Crisp, which sold for $1,980 to Elders Yea livestock manager Jamie Quinlan. P.C. & C.G. Faithfull, Omeo, presented 205 Hereford steers and heifers, 10-11 months old, including 22 steers that sold for $1,850 and 50 steers that fetched $1,840. Both pens were secured by long-term Mountain Calf Sales commission buyer Graeme Ward, Albury, NSW.
R.E. & C.L. Foster, Omeo, sold 14 Hereford steers for $1,730, also to Mr. Ward. Mr. Ward, who has attended the sale for many years, stated that it was some of the best pens of cattle he has ever purchased, with all of his acquisitions destined for Dubbo, NSW, to be finished on grass.
The Faithfulls continued their strong sale with 40 Hereford steers bringing $1,340 to Elders Cleary McDowall director Pat Cleary, Moss Vale, NSW. Fourteen heifers topped the female market at $1,450, selling to a breeder in Myrtleford.
Grahame Osbourne, Officer South, secured Simon and Sonya Lawlor’s top-priced weaner pen of 19 steers for $1,900. The Lawlor’s yarded 142 Hereford steers, 10-11 months old. He also purchased a pen of 25 steers from Bernard and Brenda Flannagan for $1,800. Mr. Osbourne praised the Omeo sale, stating, “We come to Omeo every year and expect to buy really good Hereford cattle. The cattle are a good article, they work for us, they’re the right weight, and it’s the right time of year. We’re always looking for quality cattle, and we can get them here.”
Anne and Alexander Strang from Hinnomunjie Station contributed 59 Herefords to the sale—39 steers and 20 heifers. Mrs. Strang reflected positively on the sale, despite the fact that “It’s been very dry.” As fourth-generation Hereford producers, the Strangs maintain a deep connection to the breed, retaining stock to grow out on grass. Their breeding program emphasises Sugarloaf bloodlines, focusing on form, colour, and structural soundness.
Elders agent Morgan Davies described the sale’s outcome as “a very, very satisfactory result, above expectations.” He noted initial uncertainty about the heifer market but was pleased with the strong performance. “There is always an opportunity to sell a few cows and keep a few heifers—it’s always a good business move. Some major operators have moved a lot of cattle over the past few days, and they certainly backed it up again today. One of the great industry scenarios is the Mountain Calf Sale feature, and we’re very, very proud of it.”
The Omeo sale reinforced the continued demand for quality Hereford cattle, with strong local and interstate interest ensuring a successful day for vendors and buyers alike.